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Page:The Life of Mr. Richard Savage - Johnson (1727).djvu/26

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the most unlikely to have incurr'd his good Nature and Meekness of Temper, having before this fatal Accident, been remarkable, among all who convers'd with him, if I may be allow'd the Expression, even to a Fault.

The last Piece which he exhibited to the World, was, a Poem Sacred to the Memory of our late most gracious Sovereign, address'd to the Right Honourable Mr. Doddington, one of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, which Subject, tho' it employ'd several other poetic Genius's; he is allow'd, by some approv'd Judges in that way of Writing, to have manag'd with a Delicacy, superior to any of his Competitors. But to come to the dismal Cause of his present Condition; having for some Time had a Lodging at Richmond in Surrey, for the Benefit of the Air, and the Conveniencies of his Studies; he came to Town on Monday the 20th Day of November last, in order to pay off another he had in Queen-street, Westminster, thinking the Expence too great to keep them both; and falling into Company with Mr. Merchant and Mr. Gregory, they all went together to a Coffee-house near his old Lodgings, where they drank till pretty late in the Evening; Mr. Savage would willingly have got a Bed at the Coffee-house for that Night, but there not being a Conveniency for himself, andCompany