Page:The Life of Thomas Linacre.djvu/9

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Chapter I.

Birth — Family — Early Education— William Tilly, alias William de Selling — Established Mode of Instruction in the Fifteenth Century — Sent to Oxford — State of Learning — Grocyn — Latimer — More 1

Chapter II

Schools in the time of the Aborigines — Previously to the Ninth Century — Introduction of Christianity — Institutions of Alfred — Opposition to his proposed Alterations — Consequences of the Incursions of the Danes — Restoration of Schools — Foundation of Colleges — Norman Conquest — Growth of Individual Institutions — Monasteries — Croyland Abbey — Ingulph — Learning of the Age confined to Theology, Philosophy, and Grammar — General Decay of Letters and Schools — Introduction of Argumentative Theology — Success of University of Paris — Aristotle — Re-establishment of Schools in England by Henry III. — Alexander of Hales — Learning of the Schools — Thomas Aquinas — John Duns — Course of Study at the Universities — Effect of the Introduction of the Pandects — Morley — Grostest — Council of Vienne — Constitutions of Clement — Contests of Graduates in Theology, Law, and Me-