Page:The Literature of Bengal.djvu/9

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Chapter Page

I. Bengali Language and Alphabet 1

II. Early Sanskrit Poetry.—Jayadeva. (12th century) 11

III. Early Bengali Poetry.—Chandidas. (14th century) 26

IV. Kasi Ram and his Mahabharata. (15th century) 38

V. Krittibas and his Ramayana. (15th century) 48

VI. Chaitanya and his Religious Reform. (16th century) 61

VII. The followers of Chaitanya. (16th century) 77

VIII. Raghunath and his school of Logic. (16th century) 83

IX. Raghunandan and his Institutes. (16th century) 89

X. Mukundaram and his Chandi. (17th century) 95

XI. Ram Prasad and his Songs. (18th century) 118

XII. Bharat Chandra and his Poetry. (18th century) 124

XIII. Ram Mohan Rai and his Religious Reform. (1774-1833) 136

XIV. Iswar Chandra Gupta and his Satires. (1809-1858) 151

XV. Akhay Kumar Datta. Bengali Prose. (1820-1886) 160

XVI. Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar. Bengali Prose. (1820-1891) 172

XVII. Dramatic Writers. Dina Bandhu Mitra. (1829-1873) 183

XVIII. Madhu Sudan Datta and his Epic. {1824-1873) 194

XIX. Bankim Chandra Chatterjea. Fiction. (1838-1894) 224

XX. General intellectual Progress. (19th century) 237