King Edgar and Alfreda, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1677. Plot from Engliſh Chronicles; ſee alſo The Annals of Love, 8 vo.
The London Cuckolds, a Comedy, 4 to. 1683. acted at the Duke’s Theatre. Plot part from Scarron’s Novels, 8 vo. Nov. 1. (viz.) The Fruitleß Precaution. Part from Les-Contes Du-Sieur D’ouville, 8 vo. part 2. pag. 121. And part from Boccace’s Novels, Day 7. Nov. 6, 7.
Scaramouch a Philoſopher, Harloquin a School-Booy, Bravo a Merchant and Magician; a Comedy after the Italian Manner, 4 to. 1677. acted at the Theatre Royal. Part of this Play taken from Molliere’s Le Bourgeois Gentlehomme; and part from Le Marriage Force, 8 vo.
The Wrangling Lovers; or, The Inviſible Mistreſs, a Comedy, 4 to. 1677. acted at the Duke’s Theatre. Compare this with a Play called, Les Engagements du Hazard, by Corneille; and a Romance, called, Deceptio Viſus; or, Seeing and Believing are two Things, 8 vo.
The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, by Shakeſpear, was about the time of the Popiſh Plot, revived and altered by this our Author; who, in his Epiſtle, denies it to be Shakeſpear’s, and then boaſts of his own Labour and Pains therein, by making great Alterations and Additions, and that he had not only refined the Language, but made many Scenes entirely new.
Thomas Rawlins.
PRincipal Graver of the Mint to both the K. Charles’s, till he died, 1670. and when he was very young, writ a Play, called,
The Rebellion, a Tragedy, 4 to. 1640. acted by his Majeſty’s Company of Revels, Nine Days ſucceſſively, as alſo divers times ſince with good Applauſe, and dedicated to a Kinſman of his, Robert Ducie, of Aſton in the County of Stafford, Eſq; There is printed 11 Copies of Verſes with this Play, in Commendation of the Author.
Edward Revet.
The Author of a Play, published 1671. called,
The Town Shifts; or, The Suburbs Juſtice, a Comedy, 4 to. 1671. acted at his Royal Highneſs, the Duke of York’s Theatre. This is an inſtructive Play.