Page:The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets, Volume 1.djvu/326

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[ 316 ]

Edmund Waller was born on the third of March, 1605, at Colshill, in Hertfordshire. His father was Robert Waller, Esquire, of Agmondesham in Buckinghamshire, whose family was originally a branch of the Kentish Wallers; and his mother was the daughter of John Hampden, of Hampden in the same county, and sister to Hampden, the zealot of rebellion.

His father died while he was yet an infant, but left him a yearly income of three thousand five hundred pounds; which, rating together the value of money and the customs of life, we may reckon more than equivalent to ten thousand at the present time.

He was educated, by the care of his mother at Eaton; and removed afterwards to King's College in Cambridge. He was sent to parliament in his eighteenth, if not
