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His Majesty in Council to make an Order for carrying such scheme, or modification thereof, as the case may be, into effect."

And whereas the Right Reverend Augustus, Lord Bishop of Lichfield, hath, pursuant to the enactment aforesaid, represented in a writing, dated the twenty-fourth day of April, one thousand nine hundred and nine, to the Right Honourable and Moat Reverend Randall Thomas, Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, as follows:—

"I, Augustus, by Divine permission Bishop of Lichfield, do, in pursuance of the twenty-sixth section of the Pluralities Act, 1838, hereby represent to your Grace as follows:—

"1. There is in the county of Stafford and my diocese of Lichfield the vicarage or perpetual curacy of Patshull, the parish whereof contains an area of one thousand eight hundred and twenty-four acres, and a population of two hundred and thirty-four. The net annual value of this benefice is eighty pounds or thereabouts.

"2. There is also in the county of Salop and in my said diocese of Lichfield the vicarage of Albrighton, the parish whereof contains an area of three thousand four hundred and seventy-two acres, and a population of one thousand one hundred and thirty-four. The net annual value of this benefice is three hundred and eighty pounds or thereabouts.

"3. A certain detached portion of the said parish of Albrighton, hereinafter described, containing an area of 1,262.7 acres and a population of one hundred and fifty-six, lies at a distance of about two miles from the parish church of Albrighton, and, with the exception of some outlying houses, about half a mile from the parish church of Patshull, and contiguous to the said parish of Patshull.

"4. Most of the inhabitants of the detached portion have for many years past resorted for Divine Service to the parish church of Patshull, and the pastoral visitation of such inhabitants has with the consent of the Incumbent of the said parish of Albrighton been performed jointly by himself and the Incumbent of the said parish of Patshull.

"5. It appears to me that under the provisions of the said Pluralities Act the following alteration may advantageously be made, viz.:—

"The separation of the said detached portion of Albrighton hereinbefore referred to from the said parish of Albrightou and its annexation to the said contiguous parish of Patshull.

"6. The benefice of Patshull is in the patronage of the Right Honourable William Heneage, Earl of Dartmouth, who resides at Patshull Hall,in the said parish of Patshull, and the benefice of Albrightou is in the patronage of the Master and Four Wardens of the Fraternity of the Art or Mystery of Haberdashers iii the city of London, who are the persons entitled to present to the said benefice in case the same were now vacant.

"7. The Reverend William Gurdon is the present Incumbent of the said benefice of Patshull, and the Reverend Percy Roden Bartley is the present Incumbent of the said benefice of Albrighton.

"8. Pursuant to the directions contained in the twenty-sixth section of the first mentioned Act of Parliament, I, the said Bishop, have drawn up a scheme in writing annexed to this representation describing the district so as aforesaid proposed to be annexed to the said parish of Patshull, and the mode in which it appears to the changes consequent thereon in respect of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, glebe lands, ecclesiastical dues, rates and payments, and in respect to patronage and right to pews may be made with justice to all parties interested. And I do hereby submit the same to your Grace together with the consents in writing of the said Patrons and Incumbents to the intent that if your Grace shall on full consideration and inquiry be satisfied with such scheme you may certify the same and such consents by your report to His Majesty in Council,"

And whereas the said scheme drawn up by the said Bishop and the consents referred to in the said representation are as follows:—


"That the detached portion of the said parish of Albrighton hereinbefore referred to shall be separated therefrom, and annexed for ecclesiastical purposes to .the adjoining parish of Patshull. The said detached portion, the boundaries whereof are well known and defined, is delineated and described on the plan annexed hereto, and is thereon coloured round with red, being bounded on the north by the parish of Boningale. on the east by the parish of Tettenhall,"on the west by the parish of Beckbury, and on the south by the said parish of Patshull.

"That the Incumbent of the benefice of Patshull shall have sole and exclusive cure of souls within the said district so annexed to the said parish of Patshull. The said district shall be included in the rural deanery of Trysull and be subject to the archidiaconal jurisdiction of the Archdeacon of Stafford.

"That the parishioners of such district shall be entitled to accommodation in the parish church of Patshull, but shall cease to be entitled to accommodation in the parish church of Albrighton, except nevertheless any person or persons possessing a legal right by faculty or otherwise to any pew or sitting iu the said parish church of Albrighton who may not be willing to relinquish and give up the same.

"That marriages, baptisms, churchings, and burials shall be solemnized and performed in the parish church of Patshull for the inhabitants of the said district, and all fees, dues, ecclesiastical offerings and emoluments arising from the said district (tithe rent charge excepted) shall henceforth belong to the Incumbent ot the benefice of Patshull.

"That no other alteration shall be made in the emoluments of the said benefice of Patsbull and Albrighton.

"That no alteration shall be made in the patronage of the said benefices, or either of them.

"That the Master and Four Wardens of the Fraternity of the Art or Mystery of Haberdashers in the city of London, the Patrons of and the Corporation entitled to present to the said benefice of Albrighton in case the same were now vacant, and the Reverend Percy Roden Bartley, the present Incumbent of the same benefice having respectively given their consents to this scheme upon the express understanding that the tithe rent-charge arising from or payable out of the land and hereditaments within the said district shall for ever continue to belong as heretofore to the Incumbent of the same benefice, it is hereby declared that the same tithe rent-charge shall as heretofore remain and be attached to the said benefice of Albrighton for ever hereafter, as part of the income