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At the Court at Buckingham Palace, the 10th day of August, 1909.

The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty.

Lord President.
Lord Chamberlain.
Lord Suffield.
Mr. Bunciman.
Mr. Pease.

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the provisions of the Southern Rhodesia Order in Council 1898 (hereinafter referred to as "the Order of 1898") and to revoke the Southern Rhodesia Order in Council 1905:

Now therefore His Majesty by virtue and in exercise of the powers by the Foreign Jurisdiction Act 1890 or otherwise in His Majesty is pleased by and with the advice of His Privy Council to order and it is hereby ordered as follows:—

1. This Order may be cited as the Southern Rhodesia Order in Council 1909.

2. The definition of " Military police forces " in Article 3 of the Order of 1898 is hereby revoked and the following definition is hereby substituted (that is to say):

" Military police forces " includes any police and volunteer force which may from time to time be declared by the High Commissioner to be on active service, during the period of such service.

3. Article 48 of the Order of 1898 is hereby revoked with the exception of paragraph (1) thereof: and the following provisions shall apply to any police and volunteer forces established within the limits of the Order of 1898:

(1) Nothing in the nature of a military operation shall be undertaken by any police or volunteer force or any part thereof until such force or part thereof shall have been declared by the High Commissioner to be employed on active service.

(2) The High Commissioner may declare when and for what period any police or volunteer force or any part thereof shall be employed on active service and such force or such part thereof shall,while so employed, be subject to such terms and regulations as the High Commissioner may determine.

(3) Any police force shall be liable for service at any place in South Africa either within or without the limits of the Order of 1898.

(4) The Resident Commissioner for the time being shall be Commandant-General of the police and volunteer forces and shall exercise

(a) the chief command of any police or volunteer force while such force is employed on active service and of any part of any such force while so employed:

(b) Such powers as may be conferred upon the Commandant-General by Ordinance :

(c) The right of inspecting at all times any police or volunteer force.

(5) The appointment, promotion, and dismissal of officers of the volunteer and police forces shall save as may be otherwise by Ordinance provided be subject to the approval of the High Commissioner.

(6) The Southern Rhodesia Order in Council 1905 is hereby revoked.

4. This Order shall be published in the " Gazette' and commence and come into operation on a day to be fixed by the High Commissioner, and the High Commissioner shall give directions for the publication of this Order, at such place and in such manner and for such time or times as he thinks proper for giving due publicity thereto.

5. His Majesty may from time to time revoke, alter add to or amend this Order.

Almeric FitzRoy.

Privy Council Office, December 2, 1909.

Notice is hereby given, that a Petition of Sir George Wentworth Alexander Higginson, G.C.B., Chairman of the United Kingdom Beneficent Association, and others, praying for the grant of a Charter of Incorporation to the said Association, has been presented to His vested Majesty in Council; and His Majesty having referred the said Petition to a Committee of the Lords of the Council, notice is further given, that all petitions for or against such grant should be sent to the Privy Council Office, on or before the fourth day of January next.

Lord Chamberlain's Office, St. James's Palace, S. W. December 3, 1909.

Notice is hereby given, that the State Apartments of Windsor Castle will be open to the public until further notice, commencing on Tuesday, the 7th instant, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Bank Holidays, from 11 A.M. till 3 P.M.

On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, a charge of one shilling for adults and sixpence for children will be made for the benefit of local charities. Members of charitable societies will be admitted at half price on application at the office of the Inspector of Windsor Castle.

Whitehall, November 23, 1909.

The KING has been graciously pleased to grant unto Hubert Downes Cherry, of Stoke Manor, in the township of Stoke, in the parish of Acton, in the county palatine of Chester, Gentleman, His Royal licence and authority that he and his issue may, in compliance with a clause contained in the last will and testament of William Walley Downes, late of Nantwich, in the said county palatine, Gentleman, deceased, take and henceforth use the surname of Downes, in addition to and after that of Cherry, and that he and they may bear the arms of Downes quarterly with those of Cherry, the said arms being first duly exemplified according to the laws of arms and recorded in the College of Arms, otherwise the said Royal licence and permission to be void and of none effect:

And also to command that the said Royal concession and declaration be recorded in His Majesty's said College of Arms.


Maenclochog Fairs.

The Secretary of State for the Home Department hereby gives notice that a representation has been duly made to him by the Narberth Rural District Council to the effect that it would be for the convenience and advantage of the public that