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ORDER of the Local Government Board : Qualifications of Poor Law Nurses: Dispensing with requirements of Orders.


To the Guardians of the Poor of the Kings Norton Union;—

And to all others whom it may concern.

Whereas by an Order, dated the 27th day of January. 1892 (hereinafter referred to as "the Order of 1892"), We, the Local Government Board, made Regulations with regard to the appointment by the Guardians of the Poor of any Union or Separate Parish in England and Wales of District Nurses to perform the duties therein set forth, and by Article III of that Order it is provided that no person shall be appointed to the office of District Nurse who has not undergone, for one year at least, a course of instruction in the Medical and Surgical Wards of a Hospital or Infirmary being a Training School for Nurses and maintaining a Resident Physician or House Surgeon;

And whereas by the Nursing in Workhouses Order, 1897 (hereinafter referred to as "the Order of 1897"), We directed that, from and after the 29th day of September, 1897, certain Regulations should, except in so far as We might assent to a departure therefrom, be in force in the several Poor Law Unions for the time being in England and Wales with respect to the nursing of the sick poor in Workhouses, and the appointment, qualification, and duties of Nurses, including Superintendent Nurses. therein; and by Article 111 (3) of that Order it is provided that any Superintendent Nurse appointed after the commencement of the Order shall, unless We dispense with the requirement, be a person qualified for the appointment by having undergone, for three years at least, a course of instruction in the Medical and Surgical Wards of any Hospital or Infirmary being a Training School for Nurses, and maintaining a Resident Physician or House Surgeon:

And whereas the Kings Norton Union Work of house Infirmary is a Training School for Nurses, and it is expedient that in other respects that Infirmary should be made available for the purposes of the qualifications to which the above cited provisions relate:

Now therefore, in pursuance of the powers given to us by the Statutes in that behalf, We hereby Order and Direct as follows:—

For the purposes of Article III of the Order of 1892 and of Article III (3) of the Order of 1897 the Kings Norton Union Workhouse Infirmary shall be deemed to be an Infirmary maintaining a Resident Physician or House Surgeon throughout the pencil during which the Medical Officer of the Infirmary devotes his whole time to the duties of his office, and resides near the Infirmary.

Given under the Seal of Office of the Local Government Board, this twenty ninth day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine.

John Burns, President.

Noel T. Kershaw, Assistant Secretary.


(Dated 30th November 1909.)

The Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, by virtue and in exercise of the powers vested in them under the Diseases of Animals Acts, 1894 to 1903, and of every other power enabling them in this behalf, do order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:

The Order described in the Schedule to this Order is hereby revoked.

In witness whereof the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries have hereunto set their Official Seal this thirtieth day of November, nineteen hundred and nine.

A. W. Anstruther, Assistant Secretary.


Order Revoked.

No. Date. Short Title.
7690 1909
5 May
Argyllshire (Carradale District) (Movement of Sheep) Order of 1909.

Copies of the above Order can be obtained on application to the Secretary, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 4, Whitehall Place, London, S.W.