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deceased (who died on the 13th day of July, 1909, and whose will with two codicils was proved by Chamberlin Mole, of Reigate, in the county of Surrey, Solicitor, and Florence Mary Pearce Mole, of 1, Shalimar-gardens, Hornlane, Acton, in the county of Middlesex, Spinster, two of the executors therein named, on the 7th day of September, 1909, in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice), are hereby required to send in the particulars of their claims or demands to the said executors, at the offices of the undersigned, their Solicitors, on or before the 3rd day of January next; and notice is hereby also given, that after that day the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said William Chamberlain Mole, deceased, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and that they will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person of whose claim or demand they shall not then have had notice.—Dated the 30th day of November, 1909.

MOLE, ROSLING and VBENON, Reigate, Surrey, Solicitors for the said Sxecutors.



Pursuant to the Law of Property Amendment Act, 1859.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of William Tomlinson, late of Over Kellet, in the county of Lancaster, Farmer, deceased (who died on the 26th day of July, 1893, and whose will was proved in the Lancaster District Probate Registry, on the 27th day of September, 1893. by Edmund Tomlinson, Jane Tomlinson, George Longton and Richard Thomas Grosse, the executors therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executors, on or before the 23rd day of December, 1909, after which date the surviving executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persona entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have bad notice; and they will not be liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 1st day of December, 1909.

FAWCETT and UNSWORTH, Carnforth, Solicitors for the Executors.



{center|Pursuant to the Statute, 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35.}}

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any debts, claims, or demands against the estate of James Morrison, late of Belle Vue Cottage, 122, Plumstead Common-road, Plumstead, in the county of London, Pensioner, deceased (who died on the 1st day of April, 1909, and whose will was proved by Dr. John Clarke, the sole executor therein named, on the 7th day of May, 1909, in the Principal Probate Registry, are hereby required to send particulars of their claims to us, the undersigned, on or before the 17th day of December, 1909, after which date the estate will be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then or demands have been received.—Dated this 29th day of November, 1909.

HABERSHON, WATTS, and CO., 29 and 30, Green's-end, Woolwich, and 110, Cannon-street, London, E.C., Solicitors to the said Executor.



NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of William Thoburn, formerly of 24, Denmarkstreet, Gatesbead, Coal Merchant, and late of Fewster Gill, near Ovington, in the county of York, Farmer, deceased (who died on the 1st day of November, 1909, and whose will was proved in the Principal Probate Registry on the 20th-day of November, 1909. by Robert Thoburn and George Frederick Gillies, the executors therein named), are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executors, on or before the 5th day of January, 1910, at the undermentioned address, after which date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice, and the said executors will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, whose will with two codicils was proved by Chamberlain so distributed to any person or persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 1st day of December, 1909

J. D. & D. M. MACDONALD, 13, Mosley-street, Newcastle-upon - Tyne, Solicitors for the Executors.



Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22 and 23 Vict., cap. 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the Law of Property and to relieve Trustees."

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of Charles John Den ham Christie, late of Woodside, Tynemouth, in the county of Northumberland, Shipbuilder and Engineer, deceased (who died on the 13th day of May, 1905, and whose will was proved in the Newcaatle-upon-Tyne District Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 3rd day of July, 1905. by Alice Christie (since deceased) and Charles Alfred Christie, John Denham Christie, and William Spelman Burton, the executors named in the will), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims and demands to us, the undersigned, Solicitors for the surviving executors, on or before the 31st day of January next, after which the said surviving executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which they shall then have had notice; and they will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims or demands they shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 30th day of November, 1909.

WATSON, BURTON and CORDER, Pilgrim, House, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Solicitors for the Executors.



Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter 35.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands against the estate of the Lady Dorothea Frances Yeoman, of Lorne Villa, Whitby, in the county of York, deceased (who died on the 8th day of July, 1909, and whose will and codicil was proved in the Principal Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's High Court of Justice on the 23rd day of July, 1909, by Sir Thomas Edward Sabine Pasley, of Farley Hill Cottage, Farley Hill, near Reading, Berkshire, Baronet, the executor therein named), are hereby required to send the particulars, in writing, of their claims or demands to us, the undersigned, the Solicitors for the said executor, on or before the 31st day of December next, after which date the said executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims and demands of which he shall then have had notice; and he will not be liable for the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, so distributed, to any person or persons of whose claims he shall not then have had notice.—Dated this 2nd day of December, 1909.

KINGSFORD, DORMAN and CO., 23, Essex-street, Strand, London, W.C., Solicitors for the said Executor.


CHARLES ARTHUR JONES, Esquire, Deceased.

Pursuant to the Act of Parliament, 22 and 23 Victoria, cap. 35, intituled " An Act to further amend the law of property and to relieve Trustees."

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and other persons having any claims or demands upon or against the estate of Charles Arthur Jones, Esquire, late of Graf ton, Beckenham, in the county of Kent, who died on the 27th day of October, 1909, and whose will, with two codicils, was proved in the Principal Probate Registry of His Majesty's High Court of Justice, on the 17th day of November, 1909, by Mrs. Sarah Mary Jones, the Widow, and Arthur Dawson Jones, the executrix and the executor respectively appointed by the Will, and by Donald Dinwiddy, the executor appointed by the first codicil, are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or demands on or against the said estate to me, the undersigned, as Solicitor for the said executrix and executors, on or before the 13th day of January next, after