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"And whereas the improvement in the annual value of the said benefice arising from or by means of the said sales exceeds the annual sum of five hundred pounds and after the appropriation hereinafter recommended to us the said Ecclesiastical Commissioner for the benefit of our common fund the average annual income of the said benefice will not be left at a less sum than six hundred pounds.

"And whereas the said benefice was vacated on the twelfth day of March one thousand nine hundred and eight by the death of the Reverend Jolin Godding late Rector or Incumbent thereof.

"Now therefore we, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners, humbly recommend and propose that as from the day of the date of the publication in the London Gazette of any Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying this scheme and without any conveyance or assurance in the law other than this scheme and such Order of Your Majesty in Council ratifying the same the said principal sum of six thousand two hundred and twenty-four pounds thirteen shillings and ten pence owing as aforesaid upon the security of the said indenture of mortgage described in the schedule hereto and all interest thenceforth to become due thereon and the full benefit of the said debt and of the said indenture of mortgage and all other securities for and remedies for the recovery of the said principal sum and interest thereon or any part of such principal sum and interest shall cease to be owing to or vested in or held or enjoyed by us for the benefit of the Rector or Incumbent of the said benefice and shall be owing to or vested in and held or enjoyed by us for the benefit of our common fund absolutely, and subject to any right or equity of redemption subsisting in the same the hereditaments conveyed to us by the said indenture of mortgage shall henceforth for all the estate and interest therein so conveyed be held by us for the benefit of our common fund absolutely.

"And we further recommend and propose that nothing herein contained shall prevent us from recommending and proposing any other measures relating to the matters aforesaid or any of them in accordance with the provisions of the said Acts or of either of them or of any other Act of Parliament.


"An indenture of mortgage, dated the fourth day of March one thousand nine hundred and five, and made between Richard Wakeham Baxter of South Lodge, Southall, in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman, and George Gosney of Elmfield Lodge, Southall, Gentleman (the mortgagors), of the first part, the Reverend John Godding, the Rector of the rectory and parish church of Hayes, in the county of Middlesex and diocese of London, Clerk in Holy Orders, of the second part, and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England of the third part, whereby certain hereditaments situate in the said parish of Hayes were conveyed by the said mortgagors unto and to the use of the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners in fee simple subject to a proviso for the redemption of the said hereditaments on payment by the said mortgagors of the sum of six thousand seven hundred pounds with interest thereon at the times and in the manner therein mentioned."

And whereas the notice of the foregoing scheme which is required by the hereinbefore mentioned Acts, has been given by the said Commissioners to the Patron of the said benefice of Hayes and the said Patron has not made any objection to the said scheme.

And whereas the said scheme has been approved by His Majesty in Council: now, therefore, His Majesty, by and with the advice of His said Council, is pleased hereby to ratify the said scheme, and to order and direct that the same and every part thereof shall be effectual in law immediately from and after the time when this Order shall have been duly published in the London Gazette pursuant to the said Acts, and His Majesty, by and with the like advice, is pleased hereby to direct that this Order be forthwith registered by the Registrar of the said diocese of London.

Almeric FitzRoy.

At the Court at Buckingham, Palace, the 22nd day of November, 1909.

The KING'S Most Excellent Majesty in Council.

WHERAS the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England have, in pursuance of the Act the of fifth and sixth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and eight, and of the Act of the twenty-first and tweaty-second years of Her said late Majesty, chapter fifty-seven, which Acts are known as "The Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts," duly prepared and laid before His Majesty in Council a scheme bearing date the fourth day of November, in the year one thousand nine hundred and nine, in the words following, that is to say:—

"We, the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, in pursuance of the Act of the fifth and sixth years of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria, chapter one hundred and eight, and of the Act of the twenty-first and twenty- second years of Her said late Majesty, chapter fifty-seven, which Acts are known as 'The Ecclesiastical Leasing Acts,' have prepared and now humbly lay before Your Majesty in Council the following scheme relating to the rectory and parish of Finchley, in the county of Middlesex and in the diocese of London.

"Whereas the annual value of the benefice of Finchley, that is to say of the rectory of the parish of Finchley aforesaid (hereinafter called the said benefice), has been improved by means of certain sales of portions of the glebe lands of the said benefice and by means of a lease of the brick earth upon a portion of the said glebe lands which sales and lease were effected under the authority of the said Acts by the late Rector or Incumbent of the said benefice.

"And whereas the consideration moneys for the said sales and the royalties reserved by the said lease payable to us, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners, have from time to time as the same have been received by us been invested in accordance with the provisions in that behalf contained in the said Acts and of such investments there remain standing in the name of us, the said Ecclesiastical Commissioners, first a sum of thirteen thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine pounds eight shillings and five pence India three pounds per centum stock, and secondly a sum of eleven thousand two hundred and fifty-three pounds six shillings and two pence Metropolitan Consolidated three pounds per centum stock, which said sums of stock are now held by us in trust to pay the Rector or Incumbent for the time being of the said benefice the annual interest or dividends from time to