The Plot
a heap on the floor of Nichette’s tiny white bedroom. Clotilde hid behind a chair, trembling with excitement, but laughing, too, at the fun of this adventure. And crouching so she heard Nichette and her mother talking in the room beyond.
How kind and gentle Mother Marie’s voice was! The poor little Queen all alone in the dark gave a great sigh as she wondered how it would seem to have a mother of her own: a mother of her own whom she could see every morning and every noon and every night. How safe one would feel, and never, never lonely.
“Now, then, off to bed with you, child,” said Mother Marie at last; and the Queen’s heart jumped. “Pray that your father may find his keys before to-morrow, or the Lord Chamberlain will have him punished. In five minutes I will come in to tuck you up and kiss you good night.”
Then Nichette came running into the little bedroom and shut the door behind her. “Oh, hurry, Queen!” she said. “Jump into bed just as you are, and cover yourself up close to your chin. I will hide in the closet here, and Mamma will never know, for she does not bring a candle.”