The Table.
- A Song upon a Recanting Lover.
- The New Droll.
- The ſilly Shepherd.
- The Royaliſts reſolve.
- The Conteſt.
- The fond Amoriſt.
- On Women.
- The ſatiated Lover.
- A Love Riddle.
- In praiſe of his Miſtriſs.
- A Love Song.
- A Paſtoral Song; with the Anſwer.
- The Anſwer.
- A Song in deriſion of his Miſtriſs.
- The Dominion of the Sword.
- The fickle Lover.
- The Jovialiſts Coronation.
- A Lovers Requeſt.
- The Deſpairing Lover to his Miſtreſs.
- Gather your Roſe buds.
- The Muſes Courting Sack.
- The Conſtant Lover.
- The Loyal Priſoner.
- The Maidens Complaint.
- Canary’s Coronation.
- The Lovers complaint.
- Platonick Love.
- Upon paſſionate Love.
- The Womans Anſwer.
- I dote, I dote.
- A Paſtoral Song.
- A Caveat for Maidens.
- The Platonick Lover.
- Loves Extaſie.
- The Husband-man and Serving-man.
- A merry Medley.
- Second Ayr.
- Third Ayr.
- Fourth Ayr.
- The Reſolute Lover.
- A Song in Praiſe of Canary.
- The Royaliſts Anſwer to Nay prithee don’t flie me..
- The taking of Mardike.
- The Re-reſurrection of the Rump.
- The Bulls Feather.
- The merry Good-fellow.
- The Levellers Rant.
- A New Love-Song.
- A Song on going by Water.
- The merry Bells of Oxford.