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Colonel Johnstone.

John Johnstone, Esq;

Governor Johnstone.

Capt. Walter Johnstone.

Sir Banks Jenkinson, Bart.

Samuel Johnson, LL.D.

William Jones, Esq; Univ. Coll. Oxon.

George Jardin, Esq; Professor of Logic, University of Glasgow.

Hawton James, Esq;

Mr. Jackson, C. C. C. Oxon.

Mr. Iremonger, ditto.

Mr. T. Jenner, M. A. Morton Coll. Oxon.

Dr. Jacob, Sarum.

Mr. J. Ireland, Merchant, Bristol.

John Jacob, Esq;

Wilts. S. Isted, Esq; Gent. Com. New Coll. Ox.

J. Ingram, Esq; Fellow of All Souls Coll. Oxon.

Mr. Mathew Irwin, at Langholm.

Eyles Irwin, Esq; at Madras.

James Irwin, Esq; at Bengal.

Mr. William Ireland, St. John's Coll. Ox.

Mr. Henry Jones, Attorney, Hereford.

Mr. J. Ireland, Oxford.

John Irving, Esq; of the Temple, London.

Mr. William Jackson, Oxford.

Rev. Dr. Jefferson, Ch. Ch. Oxon.

Mr. Josiah Jewett.

Richard Ingram, Esq;

John Innys, Esq; Bristol.


The Right Hon. Lord Kilwalin.

Le Baron de Klingsted, Conseiller d'Etat, &c. à Petersburg.

Rev. Dr. Kennicott, Canon Ch. Ch. Oxon.

The late Mr. T. King, Bath.

Rev. Mr. Knatchbull, Ch. Ch Oxon.

W. King, Esq; C. C. C. Oxon.

Joshua Kensworth, Esq;

Mr. King, Fellow of New Coll. Oxon.

John Knott, Esq;

William Kenrick, LL.D.

George Knott, of Rydal, Esq;

William Kettle, Esq; Birmingham.

——— Kennedy, Esq; Ch. Ch. Oxon.


The Right Hon. Lord Lewisham.

Sir James Lake.

Verney Lovett, Esq; Trin. Coll. Cantab.

Egerton Leigh, Esq; Sidney Coll. Cantab.

Rev. Dr. Long, All Souls Coll. Oxon.

——— Langton, Esq;

Mr. Lomax, St. John's Coll. Oxon.

Rev. Alex. Litchfield, Wadh. Coll. Oxon.

Le Comte de Lauragais.

M. Lisakewitz, Conseiller d'Ambassades de Russia.

Dr. Letsom, F. R. S.

Richard Lane, Esq; Univ. Coll. Oxon.

The late Rev. Mr. Loggin, New Coll. Ox.

Rev. Mr. Lear, ditto.

Mr. John Lacock, Hereford.

Anthony Lax, of Chesterfield, Esq; Derbyshire.

Mr. W. Lypscomb, C. C. C. Oxon.

Robert Lechmere, Esq; Gent. Com. Queen's Coll. Oxon.

John Loveday, Esq; Madg. Coll. Oxon.

Mr. James Lister, Oxford.

Mr. John Leech, ditto.


His Excell. the Earl Marischall of Scotland, Berlin.

M. le Prince Massalski, à Warsovie.

M. I'Abbe Marci, Chancelier de l'Université de Lourain.

M. le Comte de Merci, Ambassadeur de I'Empire à Paris.

M. Trudaine de Montigny, Conseiller d'Etat, et Intend. General des Finances, à Paris.

M. le Comte Moussin-Pouschkin, Ambassad. de l'Emperatrice de Toutes les Russies, à Londres.

Madamoiselle Murray, at Brussels.

John-Hyacinth de Magellan, F. R. S.

Charles May, Esq;

Mr. Kenneth Makenzie, London.

Mr. James Makenzie, ditto.

Mr. James Morrison, ditto.

Francis Martin, Esq; of Antigua.

John Maxwell, Esq; of Broomholme.

Thomas Mayne, Esq;

Mrs. Millar, London.

Mr. John Murray, Fleet-Street, London.

John Millar, Esq; Professor of Civil Law, Glasgow.

—— Maxwell, Esq; Univ. Coll. Oxon.

Thomas Mathews, Esq;

Mr. Philip Mallet, Wine-Merchant, Lond.

Mr. Moore, Odiham, Hants.

Mr. John Murdoch, London.

The late Rev. Mr. Macock, Lin. Coll. Ox.

—— Marriott, Esq; Queen's Coll. Oxon.

Mr. Muster, Gent. Com. New Coll. Oxon.

Mr. M'Carty, Univ. Coll. Oxon.

Mr. John Monro, St. John's Coll. Oxon.

Rev. Dr. Moore, Ch. Ch. Oxon.

John Maddison, Esq;

C. Massingberd, Esq; New Coll. Oxon.
