Page:The Lusitania's Last Voyage (lusitaniaslastvo00lauriala).djvu/131

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The Lusitania's Last Voyage

civilized nations in times of peace have been destroyed, and any one reproaching us for the lives sacrificed on the Lusitania should first justify himself and answer for us the question whether he frothed and fumed when Russian armies on East Prussian soil coolly and deliberately burned, murdered and committed outrage upon a peaceful population, men, women and children? That blood was as good as any sailing on the ocean in English ships. And if anyone complains and feels doubts about the justification of our war methods, we shall ask him what he thinks about England's war of starvation against Germany, and whether he imagines perhaps that it is our purpose to allow ourselves to be starved to submission without acting in self-defence? And we shall also ask him what he thinks about the shipment of thousands of millions worth of arms and munitions from America,

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