Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/246

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here?' And the sound of his voice was echoed back, loud as it was. And hearing the sound of his voice, there came out of the Rishi's abode a maiden beautiful as Sree herself but dressed as an ascetic's daughter. And the black-eyed fair one, as soon as she saw king Dushmanta, bade him welcome and worshipped him duly. And showing him due respect by the offer of a seat, Padya and Arghya, enquired after, O king, about the monarch's health and peace. And having worshipped the king and asked him about his health and peace, the maiden, reverentially asked, 'What must be done, O king! I await your commands.' The king duly worshipped by her, then said unto that maiden of faultless features and sweet speech, 'I have come to worship the greatly fortunate Rishi Kanwa. Tell me, O amiable and beautiful one, where has the illustrious Rishi gone?'

"Sakuntala then answered, 'My illustrious father hath gone away from the asylum to fetch fruits. Wait but a moment and thou wilt see him when he arrives.'"

Vaisampayana continued, "The king not seeing the Rishi, and addressed thus by her, beheld that the maiden was exceedingly beautiful and endued with perfect symmetry of shape. And he saw that she was of sweet smiles. And she stood decked in beauty for her faultless features, for ascetic penances, and for humility. And he saw that she was in the bloom of youth. She therefore asked her, 'Who art thou? And whose daughter, O beautiful one! Why hast thou come into the woods also? O handsome one, gifted with so much beauty and such virtues, whence hast thou come? O charming one, at the very first glace hast thou stolen my heart!' And thus addressed by the monarch in the asylum, the maiden smilingly replied in these sweet words:—'O Dushmanta, I am the daughter of the virtuous, wise, high-souled, and illustrious ascetic Kanwa!'

Dushmanta, hearing this replied, "The universally worshipped and greatly fortunate Rishi is one whose seed hath been drawn up. Even Dharma himself might fall off from his course, but ascetics of rigid vows can never fall off so. Therefore, O thou of the fairest complexion, how hast thou been