Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/293

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the mountain Meru on the north. And when the virtuous monarch saw that the thousand years were full, summoning his son Puru he addressed him thus:—'O thou oppressor of the foe, with thy youth, O son, I have enjoyed the pleasures of life, each according to its season, to the full extent of my desires,—to the limit of my powers. Our desires, however, are never gratified by indulgence. On the other hand, with indulgence they only flame up like fire with libations of sacrificial butter. If a single person were owner of everything on earth,—all its yield of paddy and barley, its silver, gold, and gems, its animals and women; he would not yet be content. Thirst of enjoyment, therefore, should be: abandoned. Indeed, true happiness is theirs who have cast off their thirst for the objects of the earth,—a thirst which is difficult to be cast off by the wicked and the sinful, which faileth not with failing life, and which is truly the fatal desease of man. My heart hath for a full thousand years been fixed upon the objects of desire. My thirst for these, however, without abating, increaseth day by day. Therefore shall I cast it off, and fixing my mind on Brahma shall I pass the rest of my days with the innocent deer of the forest, peacefully and without affection for any worldly object. And, O Puru, I have been exceedingly gratified with thee! Prosperity be thine! Receive back this thy youth. Receive thou also my kingdom. Thou art, indeed, that son of mine who has done me the greatest of services.'"

Vaisampayana, continued; "And then Yayati, the son of Nahusha, received back his decrepitude. And his son Pura also received back his own youth. And Yayati was desirous of installing Puru his youngest son on the throne. But the four erders with the Brahmanas at their head then addressed the monarch thus:—'O king, how shalt thou bestow thy kingdom on Puru passing over thy eldest son Yadu born of Deva-yani and therefore the grandson of the great Sukra? Indeed, Yadu is thy eldest son; after him hath been born Turvasu; and of Sharmishta's sons, the first is Druhyu, then Anu, and then Puru. How doth the youngest deserve the throne passing all his elder brothers over? This we represent to thee: O, conform to virtuous practice!'