Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/331

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"'O thou bull of the Bharata race, the illustrious Rishi Apava thus cursed the Vasus in wrath. And having cursed them the illustrious one set his heart once more on ascetic meditation. And after that Brahmarshi of great power and ascetic wealth had thus in wrath cursed the Vasus, the latter, O king, coming to know of it, speedily came into his asylum. And addressing the Rishi, O thou bull among kings, they endeavoured to pacify him. But they failed, O thou tiger among men, to obtain grace from Apava—that Rishi conversant with all rules of virtue. The virtuous Apava, however, said—Ye Vasus, with Dhava and others, ye have been cursed by me! But ye shall be freed from my curse within a year of your birth among men. But he for whose deed ye have been cursed by me, he, viz, Dyau, shall, for his sinful act, have to dwell on earth for length of time. I shall not render futile the words I have uttered in wrath. Dyau, though dwelling on earth, shall not beget children. He shall, however, be virtuous and conversant with all Shastras. He shall be an obedient son to his father, but shall have to abstain from the pleasure of female companionship.—

"'Thus addressing the Vasus, the great Rishi went away, The Vasus then together came to me. And, O king, they begged of me the boon that as soon as they would be born, I should throw them into the water. And, O best of kings, I did as they desired, in order to free them from their earthly life. And, O best of kings, from the Rishi's curse, this one only—Dyau himself—is to live on earth for some time.'"

Vaisampayana continued, "Having said this, the goddess then and there disappeared. And taking with her the child she went away to the region she chose. And that child of Shantanu was named both Gangeya and Deva-brata and excelled his father in all accomplishments.

"Shantanu, after the disappearance of his wife, returned to his capital with a sorrowful heart. I shall now recount to thou the many virtues and great good fortune of that illustrious king Shantanu of the Bharata race. Indeed, it is this splendid history that is called the Mahabharata."