Page:The Mahabharata of Krishna-Dwaipayana Vyasa (1884).djvu/685

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Professor Max Muller writes to me, "I shall gladly do what I can, but remember that I am growing old, and cannot work as hard as in former days." My English translation, I need hardly say, would never have been undertaken, but for the kind encouragement of the learned Professor. I can give the assurance, of course, that the work shall never be suspended. All I am desirous of is to speed it through the press. If my countrymen manifest any indifference to avail of the present opportunity and the present arrangements I have been able to make, better or, perhaps, even equal ones, will not likely present themselves for sometime to. come. It is my earnest prayer that my countrymen will lay these few remarks to heart.

I am deeply thankful to the Indian press for its kind and encouraging remarks upon my work. I am thankful also to all those gentlemen who have written to me kindly and encouragingly on receipt of the 1st part of the translation.

His Highness the Maharajah of Travancore has been pleased to contribute ſs. 500 in aid of the English Translation of the Mahabharata.

A list of the publications of the Datavya Bharat Karyalaya in course of distribution:—

1. The Sanskrit Mahabharata, 1sT Edition— (Postage Rs. 6-6)
2. Bengalee translation of Do, 4TH Edition— (Do.Do.)
3. The Ramayana of Valmiki (Sanskrit, 1sT Eidition)— (Do. Rs. 4.)
4. Bengalee translation of Do., 1sT Edition— (Do.Do.)
5. Bengalee Do. of Harivansa, 1sT Edition— (Do. Rs. 1-10.)

Datavya Bharata Karyalaya.