Page:The Man with the Hoe, Markham, 1900.djvu/131

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Song to the Divine Mother[1]

Come, Mighty Mother, from the bright abode,
Lift the low heavens and hush the Earth again;
Come when the moon throws down a shining road
Across the sea—come back to weary men.


  1. This song should be read in the light of the deep and memorable truth that the Divine Feminine as well as the Divine Masculine Principle is in God—that he is Father-Mother, Two-in-One. It follows from this truth that the dignity of womanhood is grounded in the Divine Nature itself. The fact that the Deity is Man-Woman was known to the ancient poets and sages, and was grafted into the nobler religions of mankind. The idea is implied in the doctrine of the Divine Father, taught by our Lord in the Gospels; and it is declared in the first chapter of Genesis in the words: "God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness.' ... So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.