Page:The Marquess Cornwallis and the Consolidation of British Rule.djvu/13

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Early Life and American Campaign

The family of Cornwallis, Mr. Ross says with truth, was of some importance in Ireland, as is shown by the family papers. The first of whom we hear anything positive in England was Thomas Cornwallis, who became Sheriff of London in 1378. He acquired property in Suffolk, and his son and grandson represented that county in Parliament. One of his successors helped to suppress the insurrection of Wyatt, and was rewarded by the office of Treasurer of the Household. The grandson of the Treasurer was created a baronet by Charles I, supported the Royal cause, and followed Charles H to the Continent. After the Restoration. Sir Frederick became Baron Cornwallis in 1661. The third holder of this title is known as having married Anne Scott, widow of Monmouth and Duchess of Buccleugh. The fifth baron, who was Chief Justice of Eyre south of Trent,