Page:The Marquess Cornwallis and the Consolidation of British Rule.djvu/25

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Political Condition of India. The Revenue Settlement

A short summary of the condition of British India at that time ma}- not be deemed superfluous for the complete understanding of the powers, responsibilities, and policy of the new Governor-General.

We had acquired and had begun in a fashion to administer the fine provinces of Bengal and Behar with a portion of Orissa. The six great Maráthá houses with large territories and disciplined forces were still independent. Muhammadan Viceroys ruled over vast tracts of country at Lucknow and at Haidarábád. There were other lesser Nawábs of the Karnatic and of Farukhábád, and Rájás at Travancore and Tanjore, who at any moment might require support and countenance as allies. — if they did not become troublesome as enemies. The Presidency of Bombay was comprised within two islands, and some not very important districts on the mainland. Madras was more extensive; but over the greater portion of India, dynasties, old and young, and potentates of every degree of merits demerit, and obscurity, still held sway, and their representatives were ever ready