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at Paris.

For heers no saftie in the Realme for me,
And now that Henry is cal'd from Polland,
It is my due by just succession:
And therefore as speedily as I can perfourme,
Ile muster up an army secretly,
For feare that Guise joyn'd with the K. of Spaine,
Might seeme to crosse me in mine enterprise.
But God that alwaies doth defend the right,
Will shew his mercy and preserve us still.

The vertues of our true Religion,
Cannot but march with many graces more:
Whose army shall discomfort all your foes,
And at the length in Pampelonia crowne,
In spite of Spaine and all the popish power,
That holdes it from your highnesse wrongfully:
Your Majestie her rightfull Lord and Soveraigne.

Truth Pleshe, and God so prosper me in all,
As I entend to labour for the truth,
And true profession of his holy word:
Come Pleshe, lets away while time doth serve.Exeunt.

Sound Trumpets within, and then all crye vive la Roy two or three times.

Enter Henry crownd: Queene, Cardinall, Duke of Guise, Epernoone, the kings Minions, with others, and the Cutpurse.

Vive la Roy, vive la Roy. Sound Trumpets.

Welcome from Poland Henry once agayne,
