The Massacre
That wicked Guise I feare me much will be,
The ruine of that famous Realme of France:
For his aspiring thoughts aime at the crowne,
And takes his vantage on Religion,
To plant the Pope and popelings in the Realme,
And binde it wholy to the Sea of Rome:
But if that God doe prosper mine attempts,
And send us safely to arrive in France:
Wee'l beat him back, and drive him to his death,
That basely seekes the ruine of his Realme.Exeunt.
Enter the Captaine of the guarde, and three murtherers.
Hating the life and honour of the Guise?
What, will you not feare when you see him come?
Feare him said you? tush, were he heere, we would kill him presently.
O that his heart were leaping in my hand.
But when will he come that we may murther him?
Well, then I see you are resolute.
Let us alone, I warrant you.
Then sirs take your standings within this Chamber,
For anon the Guise will come.