Page:The Mastering of Mexico.djvu/22

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X What happened to us as we neared the great and splendid City of Mexico; and how we made our bold and daring entrance, and Montezuma met us in solemn state and visited with Cortes 140
XI How the great Montezuma looked, how he dined, his arsenals, his craftsmen and craftswomen, his gardens, aviary, beasts of prey; how we viewed the great market place and what else we saw when we ascended the chief temple 155
XII How, in setting up an altar, we found a secret treasure; and why we visited Montezuma and took him to our quarters as prisoner; how he spent his time; and how we built two sloops and sailed them on the lake; adding the story of a hawk 172
XIII How Montezuma visited the chief temple; his nephew, Cacamatzin, conspired against him; and finally how the caciques swore allegiance to our king. What the Spaniards whom Cortes sent out to find gold, reported. Montezuma's gift of the vast treasure of his fathers and its division among us 189
XIV How we set an altar on the chief temple, and the anger of the Mexican gods and people at our act; and of the fleet Velasquez sent out from Cuba, what Montezuma did about it; and our plan to go against Narvaez 207
XV What Cortes said to a so-called notary; how he addressed us at Cempoala and we rallied to his call; our victory over Narvaez and his forces, and the surrender of mates and masters of the fleet; how the smallpox reached New Spain 222