Page:The McClure Family.djvu/46

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"Lebanon, Russell County, Virginia, Feb. 15, 1828.

Dear Brother, I now write you a few lines at this time, to let you know that we are all yet alive and in good Health at present, and shall be glad to hear that my letter may find you all enjoying the same Blessings. I heard from Thomas McClure two weeks ago, him and his family was well at that time, the last account I had from Polly she had a very severe spell of sickness, was then on the Recovery. Thomas is going to move from Scott the first of March to Hawkins County in Tennessee, as I have understood. I have not seen him for some time, I expect to go and see him before he moves. Tell Betsy I received her letter a few days since and will write to her before a great while. I have no knews of Consequence to write to you.

Thare was two murders committed in Scott County this winter. Money is very scarce in this Country. I find it very hard getting along, give my Respects to Mr. Fulton & Aunt Betsy and your wife and Family. No more at present.


Mr. John McClure, Augusta County, Virginia:

The post office at Greenville."

"Lebanon, Russell County, Va., Sept., 10, 1830.

Dear Brother, I received your letter on yesterday informing me of your well fare. We are all in good Health at present hoping this may find you in the same state of health.

I expect to move from this place in ten or twelve days to Hawkins County, Tenn. You will hereafter write to me thare. Give my best respects to Aunt Betsy, tell her I will write to her after I move. Give my Respects to your wife and children. My Father, Uncle Thomas and Family. Write to me in the course of a month. I have nothing more to write at present.


Mr. John McClure, Greenville, Va."

As shown by the above letters he settled in Hawkins county, Tennessee, in the fall of 1830, having bought a farm of 500 acres, 2½ miles west of Rogersville, bordering