to the equation (96), but base it upon a principle of variation that is equivalent to this equation. I shall indicate the procedure only in so far as is necessary for understanding the method.
In the case of a statical field,
must have the form
where the summation on the right-hand side of the last equation is to be extended over the space variables only, The central symmetry of the field requires the
to be of the form.
are functions of
only. One of these three functions can be chosen arbitrarily, because our system of co-ordinates is, a priori completely arbitrary; for by a substitution
we can always insure that one of these three functions shall be an assigned function of
. In place of (110) we can therefore put, without limiting the generality,
In this way the
are expressed in terms of the two quantities
. These are to be determined as functions of
, by introducing them into equation (96), after