If we substitute (2a) in this equation and compare with (1), we see that the
, must be linear functions of the
. If we therefore put
then the equivalence of equations (2) and (2a) is expressed in the form
It therefore follows that
must be a constant. If we put
, (2b) and (3a) furnish the conditions
in which
, or
, according as
. The conditions (4) are called the conditions of orthogonality, and the transformations (3), (4), linear orthogonal transformations. If we stipulate that
shall be equal to the square of the length in every system of co-ordinates, and if we always measure with the same unit scale, then
must be equal to 1. Therefore the linear orthogonal transformations are the only ones by means of which we can pass from one Cartesian system of co-ordinates in our space of reference to another. We see