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Page:The Meaning of Relativity - Albert Einstein (1922).djvu/48

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can also conclude that the coefficients must satisfy the conditions


Since the ratios of the are real, it follows that all the and the are real, except and , which are purely imaginary.

Special Lorentz Transformation. We obtain the simplest transformations of the type of (24) and (25) if only two of the co-ordinates are to be transformed, and if all the , which determine the new origin, vanish. We obtain then for the indices I and 2, on account of the three independent conditions which the relations (25) furnish,


This is a simple rotation in space of the (space) co-ordinate system about -axis. We see that the rotational transformation in space (without the time transformation) which we studied before is contained in the Lorentz transformation as a special case. For the indices 1 and 4 we obtain, in an analogous manner,


On account of the relations of reality must be taken as imaginary. To interpret these equations physically, we introduce the real light-time and the velocity of