Page:The Migration of Birds - Thomas A Coward - 1912.pdf/155

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1. ALLEN, J. A. Cooke’s Some New Facts about the Migration of Birth, Auk. xxi, 1904, 501. 2. —— Gätke's Heligoland, Auk, xiii, 1896. 137. 3. —— Walter's Theories of Bird Migration. Auk. xxv., 1908, 329. 4. BARRINGTON, R. N. "The great rush of Birds, etc." Irish Nat., xx., 1911, 97. 5. —— The Migration of Birds as observed at Irish Lighthouses and Lightships, London, 1900.

“ The Disu’ihutiou and Migration of North American Hixds," Amer. Jul. Science and 117,8, 2, 1800, xli.

H Dem an der Vugel." Isis, 132s, Nau- mannirz, 1355.

“Bird Migration.” Mam. Xuliull 0m, Club. Cambridge, M3254. No. 1, 1886.

Isnonxs, W. K. The Formation of Zoalogy, New Yurk, 1399.

Bulletin of the Brilia‘h Omitimlom'sfs' Club. Reporb on

Mz'gvalian, Vols. xvii, xx., xxfi., xxiv.,

x91, 1906-1910.

“An Astronomical Determination of 21m Heights of Birds," Auk, sxfii., 1905. 210. Bird-Life of flu; Borders, 2nd mm, London 1907.

— R M. “Observations on. the Nocturnal Migration of

Birds,” Auk, 1888’ 37.

“The Migration of Certain Shore Birds," Auk, mi, 1905, 134.

“ Bird Migratirm in Great Britain.” Report of the Erik'le Associalum, London, 1896. — "Slmlias in Bin! Migm‘inn," Ibis, 1902, 246. 1903, 112. 1* 131

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