room. As in the Forward and Back Steps, both the Circle and Grape Vine are the same slow, running, slightly springy steps, barely lifting the feet from the floor.
The Lady
¶ 1.One full step forward with the left foot, swinging it over enough to stop on a line in front of the right foot.
¶ 2.A short step straight to the side with the right foot.
¶ 3.A full backward swing with the left foot, stopping it behind and on a line with the right foot.
¶ 4.A short step to the side with the right foot.
¶ 5.A full forward swing with the left foot, stopping it on a line in front of the right foot.
¶ 6.A short step to the side with the right foot.
¶ 7.Same as in ¶ 3, and so on, repeating as above. Sixteen steps constitute the complete Grape Vine.
Remember that the left foot only goes forward and back. The right foot moves only to