Other Tango Figures
Assuming that the beginner has become thoroughly familiar with the first four figures of the Tango, those following are described with less attention to detail. They are not described for the man and the lady separately, but for the man, as he leads. The lady will understand, of course, that the man's left means her right, the man's backward means her forward, and so on.
Any new figure should be started after Circling as it is easier then to change steps or position.
Changes of position should be made without stopping, losing a step or getting out of time to the music.
Position, as shown in Illustration 3.
The man's right arm is passed behind the lady, holding her right hand in his right, which rests lightly on her right hip.
¶ 1. Both starting with the left foot, take four running steps forward; on the fifth step change position, the man crossing over behind the lady without releasing the hands or losing a step. Three more steps forward and cross back again. In other words this is merely twelve steps forward, changes of position being made on the fifth and ninth steps. Completion of these