Position, as shown in Illustration 1.
This is the Grape Vine as described on page 16, with the addition of the dip on the man's backward step and the lady's forward.
Position, as shown in Illustration 5.
Take six running steps forward. Then the man and the lady each turn completely around and take six steps in the opposite direction, the lady being on the man's left arm and the man on the lady's right.
Be sure to keep the free arm out to the side as shown in the illustration, so that, in turning, it falls easily around the partner.
This is a very popular figure. When you see it done you will appreciate the name.
Position, as shown in Illustration 1, excepting that the dancers slightly separate, still clasping hands and face forward. (See illustration 6.)
The man starts forward with his right foot and the lady with her left, dipping as they [take] the next step. The dip is made by the man [bend]ing his right knee and the lady her left [knee].
Repeat this figure straight [d...]