seven are two more steps, then “brush” with the other foot on eight. Repeat. Now vary the above by “brushing” on two and four instead of four and eight. This completes the Scissors Figure, made famous by Elsie Janis.
Fifth Figure—The Circle
The man crosses his right foot over his left and the lady circles around him, holding his left band and turning him around as she circles. This brings both back to the original position as shown in Illustration 1.
Sixth Figure—The Cortez (Single)
The man starts backward with his left foot and the lady forward with her right. The man steps and counts as follows: One, backward on the left; two, backward with the right and “brush”; three, forward on the right; four, bend. Repeat four times. The reverse of the above for the lady.
After completing the Single Cortez as desscribed above, take eight walking steps, the man backward and the lady forward.
The Double Cortez
Position, as shown in Illustration 1, except that both man and lady place their hands on their hips and do not touch each other.