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were purposely assembled, that they might produce a book like unto the Koran, they would not produce one like unto it." In chapter 29, entitled the Spider, "They say, unless a sign be sent down to him from his Lord, we will not believe. Answer, signs are in the power of God alone, and I am no more than a public preachcr. Is it not sufficient for them, that we have sent the Koran?" In the 46th chapter, Al-Ahkaf, the Genii, are said to have been converted at hearing the Koran. In the 56th chapter, entitled the Inevitable, "I swear by the setting of the stars (and it is surely a great oath if ye knew it) that this is the excellent Koran, the original whereof is written in the preserved book." In the 59th chapter, entitled the Emigration, "If we had sent down this Koran on a mountain, thou wouldest certainly have seen the same humble itself and cleave in sunder for fear of God." The 72d chapter, entitled