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Page:The Mohammedan system of theology (IA mohammedansyste00neal).pdf/137

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4th. The number of Prophets, according to some of their traditions, amounts to 224,000, of whom the names of some occur in Scripture, and others not, and herein they claim superiority, both over the Jews who believe in Moses and reject Christ, and also the Christians, who acknowledge Moses and Christ, but disclaim Mohammed.

5th. They are required to believe in the day of judgment. Their recorded opinions of the intermediate state, both of the body and soul, after death, provoke a smile in the Christian, accustomed to the sober statements or impressive silence of Scripture. Two angels, of terrible aspect, named Monker and Nakir, are stated to visit the grave and examine the deceased on his religious belief: if his answers prove satisfactory, they suffer the body to remain in peace; but if otherwise, they beat the corpse with iron maces, so that his cries are heard from east to west, except by men