that God is the truth, and that he raiseth the dead to life, and that he is almighty, and that the hour of judgment will surely come; there is no doubt thereof, and that God will raise again those who are in their graves." How insipid and lifeless will this appear, when contrasted with the inimitable language of St. Paul on the same subject[1].
The day of judgment is thus described in chapter 17, entitled "the Night Journey."—"On a certain day we will call all men to judgment, with their respective leader: and whoever shall have his book given him in his right hand, they shall read their book with joy and satisfaction." Further particulars are given in the 69th chapter, entitled "the Infallible."—When one blast shall sound the trumpet, and the earth shall be moved from its place, and the mountains also, and shall be dashed in pieces at one stroke; on that day
- ↑ See 1 Cor xv. 20, &c.