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Page:The Mohammedan system of theology (IA mohammedansyste00neal).pdf/146

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black eyes, resembling pearls hidden in their shells: as a reward for that which they have wrought. They shall not hear therein any vain discourse, or any charge of sin; but only the salutation, Peace! Peace! And the companions of the right hand (how happy shall the companions of the right hand be) shall have their abode among lote trees free from thorns, and trees of mauz, loaded regularly with their produce from top to bottom; under an extended shade, near a flowing water, and amidst fruits in abundance, which shall not fail, nor shall be forbidden to be gathered: and they shall repose themselves on lofty beds. Verily we have created the damsels of paradise by a peculiar creation: and we have made them virgins, beloved by their husbands, of equal age with them; for the delight of the companions of the night hand. (There shall be many of the former religions and many of the latter.")