The practical part of the Moslem faith remains next for consideration: the four fundamental points classed under this head are, 1st. Prayer with the ceremony of the Kebla and previous purifications; 2dly, Alms; 3dly, Fasting; and 4thly, the Pilgrimage to Mecca. 1st. Prayer. Mohammed (in consequence of certain stipulations with the Deity at his celebrated night journey) enjoined his followers to pray five times every twenty-four hours, viz. 1. in the morning before sun-rise; 2. when noon is past, and the sun begins to decline from the meridian; 3. in the afternoon before sun-set; 4. in the evening after sun-set and before the day be shut in, and 5thly. after the day is shut in and before the first watch of the night. A little variety is observable in the form of summoning to prayer: as the Jews gave notice of worship by the sound of the trumpet, and the Christians by bells, so the Muedhhims or cryers from the
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