allowed[1]. The ceremony of the Kebla must be strictly observed: at first the followers of Mohammed practised no particular mode of turning their faces to any quarter of heaven, it being considered immaterial: after the retreat to Medina they were directed to turn towards the temple of Jerusalem, probably with a view to please the Jews, which practice however only continued for six or seven months; at length, in the second year of the Hegira, they were ordered to pray with their faces towards Mecca. The devout Musulman, in whatever part of the globe he may be, must ascertain as exactly as. possible the place of the Kebla, and offer his devotions accordingly.
The introductory chapter is a prayer, in as frequent use among the Musulmans as the Lord's Prayer is with Christians, "Praise be to God, the Lord of all creatures, the most
- ↑ See Koran, chapter 395.