the powers of the mind is required, and its decisions must be regarded; because no system is worth contending for, the evidences of which will not abide this powerful and effective test!
The religion of Mohammed, has, like that of Jesus, its great and leading sects, which branch out into numerous subdivisions: the principal are the Turks, who are called Sonnites or Traditionists; and the Persians, who in consequence of rejecting the traditions, are termed Shiites or Sectaries; between these rival dissidents[1] an implacable animosity pre-
- ↑ The deadly feuds of the Turks and Persians will remind the classical reader of an apt allusion, Juv. Sat. 15. v.33, &c.
"Inter finitimos vetus atque antiqua simultas
Immortale odium, et nunguam sanabile vulnus
Ardet adhuc.”Abul-feda, Prince of Hama, by nation a Turk, an author of great repute in the East, for two books which he wrote—the first a general geography of the world, after the method