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down by the help of Messiah, who shall be their King." The promise of a Redeemer is brought down from Adam to Noah, and from Noah by Shem toe Abraham, about 2000 years after Adam. The Almighty said to Abraham, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed[1]." The continuation then of the blessed promise is from Abraham by Isaac[2] with Jacob[3], and Jacob being full of the Holy Ghost, pointed out his son Judah[4], from whom Shiloh (the branch of life) should proceed; and the era of Christ's appearance is also fixed; "The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from beneath his feet, until Shiloh come," all which happened accordingly.

Various particulars are every where interspersed respecting him. The place of his birth is pointed out[5]; that he should be born

  1. Gen. xii. 3.; xviii. 18.; xxii. 18.
  2. Gen. xxvi. 4.
  3. Gen. xxviii. 14.
  4. Gen. xlix, 10.
  5. Numb. xxiv. 17, &c. Micah v. 2.