from whence they are derived." He notices that the Hindoos worship one God as subsisting in three persons, and their ancient representation of the Deity is formed of one body and three faces, as in the celebrated temple of Elephanta, in an island near Bombay, which is of very high antiquity, and as he justly considers one of the wonders of the world. The learned doctor subjoins: "These doctrines are unquestionably relics of the first faith of the earth; they bear the strong character of God's primary revelation to man, which neither the power of man, nor time itself has been able to destroy, but which have endured from age to age, like the works of nature, the moon and the stars which God hath created incorruptible!"
Together with the doctrine of the Trinity, it necessarily follows, that the divinity and offices both of Jesus Christ and the Spirit are discarded. The Koran says "They are infi-