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Page:The Mohammedan system of theology (IA mohammedansyste00neal).pdf/203

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the due subjection and regulation of our passions, forgiveness of injuries, humility, resignation, and the like, are brought into notice, whilst many supposed virtues are discarded and deprived of their usurped dominion; such for example as revenge, which Aristotle and Cicero mention with commendation, and which also the Koran sanctions, Christianity forms the only system of virtue worthy of heaven, and perfective of human nature. Its symmetry, both as a whole and as to the parts, is beautiful, consistent, and unexceptionable!

Besides incorrect opinions respecting God, and the imperfect scale of virtue that must result therefrom, Islamism, in common with other systems, labours under a further disadvantage through the want of a living example, embodying the precepts of virtue, to which reference might be made on all occasions, as a standard or pattern: for, though distinguished characters have possessed excellencies