shall never perish, neither shall any pluck them out of my hand."
A further error, subversive of other systems, is a total want of assistance in the performance of duty. No suitable provision is made for the helplessness and infirmity of human nature. Subject as we are to so many weaknesses and imperfections, in every stage of life, with the best of rules to regulate our practice, the noblest example, motives and sanctions to guide, warm, and impress our hearts, yet we should fail lamentably in duty without help from above. It is not in man to direct his steps: "Hold thou up my goings in thy way, that my footsteps slip not," was the prayer of the Psalmist, and is agreeable to the experience of our own breasts. Now there is no counterpoise for this disease of our nature any where but in that revelation which gives the promise of the Spirit, to enlighten our understandings, excite good desires, and