man is represented as the prime minister of Pharaoh; Gideon in his conduct at the river is mistaken for Saul[1]. Moses and Elias are described as cotemporary[2]. The Virgin Mary is called sister of Aaron, and John and Zacharias are confounded together[3], &c.
Such blunders may well throw discredit on the Koran, notwithstanding all the ingenuity that has been displayed by his followers at solving objections and reconciling discrepancies! But in the New Testament, this licentiousness is coupled with blasphemy. All essential facts respecting Christ are suppressed, and trifling, ridiculous stories from apocryphal writings supply the place. Nay more than this, Christ is brought forward as disclaiming all title to divinity, and asserting his mere humanity. The angel Gabriel also seconds the illusion which he so pathetically