conversant with the writings of the prophets, cannot but be struck with the following coincidences. First, in the particular fulfilment of prophecies and types, in the time of his death, as predicted by Daniel[1], and the parallel circumstances of the paschal lamb, of which a bone was not to be broken[2], and also in the manner of his death by piercing his hands and feet[3]. The words used by him[4]. The crucifying him between two malefactors[5]. The dividing his garments and casting lots for his vesture[6]. The thirst of our Saviour on the cross, and giving him vinegar and gall to drink[7]. The earthquake that rent the rocks and opened the graves; the dead bodies of the saints that arose; the severing of the vail of the temple in twain from the top to the bottom; all which constitute a body of evi-
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