most simultaneously, and, as it is conjectured, will terminate together, after the lapse of 1260 years; that the accomplishment may well be the subject of prayer and most vigorous exertion on our part, especially since the times in which we live are favourable to the undertaking. Various obstacles are withdrawn, and the nations of the Eastern and Western world are brought into closer contact with each other. Advantage also has been taken, to a certain extent, of the opportunities thus cast in our way, as will appear on reference to the writings of different individuals[1], from which the most satisfactory conclusions may be deduced.
The errors of the Mohammedans are indeed inveterate, and closely interwoven with their government, so that the one must stand or fall by the other; for which cause some have maintained that hardly any thing was
- ↑ See Persian Controversies; Dr. Buchanan's Christian Researches.