Mecca, and fully restored him to the station of his ancestors[1].
During the whole of this union, notwithstanding a disparity of years on the side of his wife, the conduct of Mohammed appears not only to have been correct, but amiable and exemplary, and when subsequent events. placed unlimited power and indulgence within his reach, ingratitude to Khadijah cannot be reckoned amongst his vices. It is recorded that when Ayesha, in all the insolence of beauty, said, "Was not Khadijah old, and has not God given you a better in her place?" "No!" cried the grateful Mohammed, "there never was a kinder or a better woman. She
trusted in me when men mocked at and despised me: she relieved my wants when I was poor and persecuted by the world: she was all devotion to my cause[2]." Not only his