about three days after. The flight gave birth to the Mohammedan æra of computing time, and is supposed to have occurred about the year of our Lord 622[1]. A powerful party welcomed him with acclamation, he assumed the regal and sacerdotal dignity, and his interest was further strengthened by the marriage of his daughter Fatima, the only surviving child of his wife Khadijah, to his cousin Ali. Here, having purchased a small portion of land, the patrimony of two orphans, he erected a mosque for the duties of religion and officiated there, when he prayed and preached in the weekly assembly in a style of rude simplicity, leaning against the trunk of a palm-tree.
Few can hold the cup of prosperity with an even hand: henceforward the lustre of his character is tarnished: he lays aside restraint, and gives the rein to his passions.
- ↑ See Sale, Mills.