his favour has granted them, and being glad for those who, coming after them, have not as yet overtaken them; because there shall no fear come on them, neither shall they be grieved. They are filled with joy for the favour which they have received from God and his bounty, and that for that God suffereth not the reward of the faithful to perish."
The third and last expedition of the Koreish is variously named, from the nations who marched under the banners of Abu-Sophian, and from the ditch drawn before the city. A tempest of wind and hail, and mutual disagreements, separated the confederates, Mohammed improves these incidents to his advantage[1]. "O true believers, remember the favour of God towards you, when armies of infidels came against you, and we sent against them a wind, and hosts of angels, which ye saw not," &c.
- ↑ Koran, chap. 35.